Wednesday, August 26, 2009

college and life=new beginning

Well i haven't written in here for a while. I'm in college now at Westminster and today is my first day of classes. I am really excited, nervous, scared and anxious all at once. I really don't know what to feel. I had a rough month in July but August has been pretty good. mostly due to Ed relapse and my tx not letting me get away with my tricks and excuses and pushing me so hard to get back on track. Well now I am doing great again for the most part. I am winning the battle slowly but surely. I know it is kinda bad to put deadlines and shit but I want to be recovered by the end of this year. I think I can do it actually. I haven't felt more secure about myself in the longest of whiles. I am taking one step at a time. I am still with Lestat and I hopefully will be with him for the rest of my life. It has been 5 months almost. It willl be interessting how it all goes. i am more on my own now. I'm living in the dorms at the college and my roommates are amazing, so far lol jk, and hopefully things will be okay for the year. I'm taking one day at a time. I'm relaizing I don't have to be pefect even though in some ways I still strive to be. It is a long road still to where i will be happy but with my friends, family, Lestat and my tx I can do it.

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