Thursday, September 20, 2012

There's no turning back

Over the past couple months, since about August, I made some decisions that really did change my life in multiple ways in both good and bad and I am really proud that I did. I have no regrets whatsoever. At the end of summer there was a lot of drama going on with cheer and frankly I was starting to become bullied and people were being passive aggressive towards me for many months. Bullying is something I went through all through elementary through high school and it has played a huge role in who I am today, has made me stronger but it has also caused some of my challenges and PTSD. At first I decided I would just take it, but what message was I giving myself? That it ok for others to treat me this way and I just deal with it? I loved cheer and I miss it so much, especially some of the people on the team. I wanna make it clear that there were only four people that were really being negative towards me everything Cheer Salt Lake is NOT about supposedly. I decided after one practice of being "confronted" more like yelled at and blamed for everything and them also hating on Kelsey that I would not take it. I couldn't stop crying and I went back to the days I was in school being bullied; it was all the same. I quit the next day after crying about it for hours. I knew I had to do it for me.

That decision was one of the hardest decisions I made in my life. I say that because I did something to stand up for me and say, "NO this is NOT okay." I really miss it especially because it was a way I redefined my relationship with exercise from ED but I am now working on getting my physical health taken care of so I can go back to swimming or yoga. Easier on my joints and my asthma. I've also had to learn through this that I have got to be patient with myself. My body can only do so much. For years it was tortured, which was not my fault but then I beat it up and didn't treat it well either. I didn't nourish it or care for it like it needed but now I am REALLY grateful that my body is still here and alive for me. It is strong and gets stronger the longer I stay healthy and the more I continue to take care of it like seeing the doctors for my back pain from previous car accidents. By treating it well, even though I have to be patient I am going to get more out of it and not injure it again or further. I also started working at a substance abuse treatment center for teens about two months ago and working there has helped my self-esteem, confidence, and has continued to help me stay motivated in my own recovery.

Even though I have done really well the past couple years and haven't engaged in behaviors doesn't mean it is easy for me at all. The thoughts and feelings are still there just the outer unhealthy coping methods not so much. I am so thankful for those that have helped me during my journey and for my time at CFC and other treatment/therapy I have had the gift to receive. Not everyone is privileged and gets a second chance at life or even a third or fourth. I am so grateful for it and so grateful for all of my friends and everyone I have met through this battle too as I know people who have lost their lives. I refuse to waste this chance. I may still hit a bump here or there, have a bad day every now or then but I know I can do this. I will achieve my goals. Yes, I am really scared because after this year when I graduate with my bachelors in May I have no clue what will happen or where I will be (with Kelsey but other than that who knows). But I do know I will have Kelsey, my family and my recovery. The rest of it will figure the rest of itself out.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I'm back!

So I took my blog down for a while because I was searching for a job and worried about it. I also was debating of switching to wordpress or to stop blogging until grad school applications are sent and know what is happening. I have now found out I can delete the link between my Goggle account. So I did that. I will actually post a real post tomorrow as I do have a post that I want to but am leaving soon to head up to Park City with my mom and Kelsey for a rally. Love you all.

Friday, June 29, 2012

One day I will be free

So I haven't really posted on here much lately for a few reason. 1) I haven't really been in the best place to write. 2) I have been tremendously busy with life since I've been back from Thailand. 3) I just needed a break. So To be honest things have kinda gotten hard for me again. I've started to struggle more than usual with negative body image thoughts and negative self-talk. Oh and Ed is trying to take control over food again but thanks to Kelsey still staying on track for the most part.

Struggling. I try to avoid that word and having to do that. I rather hide and put a mask on. Pretend everything is okay but where does that get me? What do I learn; what am I showing others around me? I don't know if I affect others in my life and help them but I try to do my best and use my skills, not just give up and throw down the towel. Easier said than done though. I learn that if I let others in, by trusting them, that it does get easier to get back on track and to just be me. I don't have to be strong and happy all the time. I am human too. I am not perfect and don't know everything, even just about myself. It's okay to struggle and even okay to ask for help. What a concept! It's taken me years and years to grasp that, but with practice and more practice it has gotten easier. My friends, family, those I have met in Tennessee, at CFC and after and those from school have helped me learn this and how to trust. Without others in my life I wouldn't be able to do what I do today, such as be in school, cheer again, be happy with my family, more content with my body (most days), majority of the time ED is gone and I feel and experience more freedom each and every day. Maybe and hopefully I will get into graduate school next year for psych but maybe not. I will work about that come this fall/spring. However, slowly it does get better.

My blog is titled: Courage, Strength and Healing. I truly believe with courage and strength healing is possible but you don't just get courage and strength automatically or alone. I believe that it is necessary to ask for others to help you along the way. Some will help you for a reason, a season or a lifetime. In time I know I will have be free from Ed. He might be around in a sense I must live with appropriate caution but maybe he will go away completely. I won't worry about it until I come to that point. Sometimes I envision myself standing at a wall, but I have a wall that is not solid but has cracks in it. I have a wall that has a end to it and is climbable with support from those around me. It is a somewhat clear wall; I see what I want but not all of the details. I will get over to the other side one day at a time. I believe any person can overcome any obstacle in their life. It just takes practice and time. Don't get up. You're never alone and there are always people around to support you. One step at a time.

A dear friend of mine that has helped me so much in my journey, especially lately recently wrote an amzing blog and I want to share it.

Humility a lesson from a great mentor

Thursday, May 24, 2012

thailand highlights

  • i have gotten to learn about a new culture and have broadened my mind about ways of life and about the world
  • i have learned more and developed more global citizenship skills
  • i have been to some amazing and beutiful buddhist wats and the grrand palace among with many temples and other wonderful places
  • i have gotten to do some amazing service work with children and thai students and had the chance to learn from others and gotten more from them then what i have done. i have helped with building concrete strructures to clean water for a village and children, paint teacher's  dorms, and garden. i have supported local economies buy buying hand madde goods and textiles. though some of this will only make a short change and doesn't change the world it does help...oh and  treated lice and done health assessments on children.
  • i have learned some Thai language and more about the food and Buddhism...i love Buddhism.
  • i have absolutely had some of the best time of my life and learned so much.
  • i have met some of the most amazing people from my school, Suan Dusit University in Thailand   and all the children, villagers, policeman and everyone i have come across from. 
  • i have gotten out of my  comfort zone. 
  • i have learned that i can handle recovery away from home and i can also be away from Kelsey and my parents. Never been gone this long without contact or visits. it has been hard but  i amdoing pretty good. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Thailand Bound!

This time tomorrow I will be on a plane to San Francisco, Taipei and then onto Thailand nearly 24hrs flying total between 3 flights. I am going as part of a May term class that the focus of the study experience as copied from the course description, "to explore concepts in global citizenship and responsibility in the 21st century by understanding the educational, health and developmental needs of rural Thai citizens as well as indigenous populations through cultural immersion and active participation in service projects designed to provide benefits to the local peoples. Students will participate in service projects in two distinct rural Thai villages, one near the Burmese border in Mae Sot, and one in the rural Northeast near Khon Kaen, that will help alleviate some of the health, educational and developmental issues present, while staying with local families within the villages. Other activities will include tours of historically significant sites in Thailand, sightseeing in Bangkok as well as spending a day with Burmese refugee children at a refugee school and visiting an HIV/AIDS hospice." So what do I really expect out of this trip for myself personally but also just what the hell do I think is going to happen beyond the course description.

If it is one thing that I know for sure, at least in my case, I learn more outside and between classes than ever in the classroom. I really thrive in the 'real world' hands on applications, and just doing something. So will I be changing the world over there? No. Will I make a difference to someone or to some community? I hope so but there is never a guarantee. I can set out and do the motions of the trip and all but doing that doesn't mean I will learn anything. I am going into this trip feeling so many different things.

I am feeling scared for being away from home and my partner for so long. I am nervous about being in a new culture and adapting but also excited for it. I am grateful for the opportunity given to me to go by my family, especially my parents, and also for my recovery as 3 years ago when I wanted and begged to go on this trip they said. "no" because I wasn't healthy. Now 3 years later with some major things changed and some still a work in progress, as I am not perfect and this is a long marathon, I get to go. I am anxious to be around so many new people but thankful I have connected kinda with 1 or 2. Others I know a little from our fundraiser events but excited to hopefully make more friends. I am kinda glad I will be disconnected mainly from the rest of the world and my life. I am eager to learn so much about Thailand, the language, Thai and Buddhist culture and everything in between. Glad I am bringing my journal too as internet access will be limited to hotels and not so much in the villages. However, if anyone wants to keep up with my trip they should follow this blog: Thailand Blog where we are all going to be writing blogs occassionally, have already posted some great research about Thailand.I did mine on mental health care (to describe it in general terms) in Thailand and it can be found here: Mental Health Care In Thailand. If you have a Facebook there will be pictures posted on the May term Facebook page where you can 'like' it and it will show up in your newsfeed if there are new stuff here: Facebook Page

So I think all in all, yes I have some much going in my head but I think in the end I am just taking it as it comes. One thing at a time and I know I will be ok and thrive. I know I have the courage within myself to do this and the strength to be gone away from home and sustain recovery. It is 24 days long but I will be ok. So until June don't expect a call, text, or email, FB etc. Some of you will get them probably anyways the day I land but I will have major jet lag come May30th from 20+ hours of flying and Bangkok is 13hrs ahead so I will be losing all of that come then too. I can do this.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Grateful for Cheerleading and Recovery

Today was just a really awesome and amazing experience. Today was my first performance of the season with my cheer team Cheer Salt Lake and it was great to be in a place where I can cheer again and be in a healthy place mind AND body. We also are a cheer for charity team, which provides a somewhat different atmosphere as we raise money for those with life threatening diseases. I will not say that I am always at this equilibrium of always having healthy thoughts about myself and my body in general or when it comes to cheer but when I think back to other years and from how far I have come I have come a million miles so to speak. I truly and honestly believe that with all of my heart. I am so grateful for my recovery as without it I wouldn't be able to cheer today.

Cheerleading is and has always been a part of my life since third grade. Throughout those years there were the good, bad, and well how about plain old sick times but I don't regret it. Cheer has always given me that sense of freedom and pride. It has always made me feel proud to be who I am. Even when I was bullied in school, those years I was a cheerleader at least those on the team, usually only during the games and practices etc., were nice and accepted me. It was something that I needed. It has always been a healthy outlet to relieve stress and to get away from other pressures in life, however, I was not always healthy while in cheer. I am proud I can say that has changed and will remain that way. I'm to the point where I can't and refuse to let my eating disorder take what I love in my life away from me. I'm a fighter. I may be really stubborn too but that does have some benefits.

If there has been one thing I have learned over the years and that has really stuck out to me today is that you should never give up on your dreams or goals that you have in life. When I was told in high school by my treatment team and doctors that I could not only not cheer but not exercise at all I thought that would be my life sentence and would never change. I had no hope to be able to return to my passion. Now they were right to pull me from cheer as it saved my life no doubt as my body couldn't physically or medically take it as well as I wasn't the best emotionally but as my recovery has evolved, changed, and I have remained largely free from eating disorder behaviors and thoughts the freedom for me to chose and make new goals and dreams have appeared and my old ones have come back. I am back cheering and though I might be in a different spot in many ways I am still so grateful everything has happened the way it has because I wouldn't have the moments like this to appreciate and be grateful for.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Where to go from here?

For several months now, over a year really, I have been doing extremely well in my recovery behavior wise. Along with that the negative thoughts and thinking patterns have largely diminished as well. They are still present but not every day like in the past. I never could have imagined that I would have gotten to this point. I owe much of it to the work I did at Center for Change with the amazing therapists, especially KB, and all the care techs. Also the retreats in Tennessee I have participated in over the past 3 years have immensely improved my journey of recovery and my life. They both have saved my life. I would go back to either of them if I felt the need to, especially the retreats as they give me a big recovery boost.

I have experienced a lot of freedom from my eating disorder and other issues that I have been working really hard on. I can go out of my house and not worry about having to put a mask on. I can feel my feelings and cry. I can ask others for support; but this one can still use definite work. I can go exercise and know my limits and no obsess about losing weigh. I eat intuitively, what I want, when I want and know when to stop. Intuitive eating was one of the hardest things to even grasp at CFC.

I wonder what to do from here? I am living a pretty good life. I have some friends and go out and do things. Is there anywhere to go? I recently asked a close friend that is fully recovered what can really get better if I'm not engaging in behaviors and I'm already doing things in my life I want to do? She told me that, "Life only gets better as your recovery strengthen and grows so yes, it can get even better.  The lies Ed continues to tell you do have the ability to be gone forever.  Your relationship with him is changing and as you get stronger his grip on you will become nill.  You deserve all that recovery gives and you can achieve it.  You are working hard on yourself, the relationship to find your true self and your recovery and you will be rewarded for your efforts and commitment.  Don’t give up and continue to move forward, I promise it does get even better.  You are worth it.  Keep up the great work Devyn and never forget that I love you and believe in you.  Stay strong and always believe!!!!"  I felt the need to post that because I believe that it is true. I deserve for my life to be not just pretty good but amazing. Everyone has good and bad days but overall perspective on my life and how I feel about myself can continue to change. I know there are a few negative sayings that Ed tells me and holds pretty strong reins over me and I need to work on those. I know I need to continue to reach out for support so I am actively trying to connect with one friend every day! (I even programmed it in the calendar in my phone!)

I also quit my job about a week ago and I am proud that I put myself first. I would usually never do that when I was in my eating disorder. I have also decided that until school is over, at the end of April and when I get back at the end of May from my month long trip to Thailand, that I am not working. It makes no sense and I could use the extra study time. I've also decided that I need to find a better therapist that will push me and specializes in more of what I need. So the search is on. I've even considered going back to a dietician when I start work again just to get a better help on what will fuel my body more. But right now I am focused on the here and now, which brings me to my final thought.

I've finally decided on my second tattoo. I've wanted it on my other wrist for various reasons. It will have the eating disorder recovery symbol in lavender and Chose To Live Today in script. It is about making the decision each day. Today I chose recovery. I chose to live and take the next steps to do. I chose to do whatever it takes to further whatever it is to a better fuller life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Cheerleading and Eating Disorders

 So just in case I am putting a little warning for those who do struggle with ED....I do talk about what causes ED and what some of the health problems are (only what is posted on NEDA)...nothing you probably don't already know. But use your wise mind and be your best judge. Other than that I talk about cheerleading and eating disorders and yeah.
So at the end of the month National ED Awareness Week (February 26-March 3, 2012). I have in some of my blogs mentioned to some extent mentioned that I am in recovery....from what well a few things some are which are private but I am going to talk right now about my recovery from an eating disorder. There are a few reasons why I am doing this. One is that there are so many misconceptions about them, two is that there are some personal benefits of writing for me :), and finally it is awareness week next week and this year the theme is Everybody knows Somebody. I think that it totally true. I know many people, partially those I have been in treatment with but I also know of friends that I know outside of that world that have struggled as well, even before me. Eating disorders kill. Let me begin with that. These past two years I have known five friends that died from eating disorders or eating disorder complications. Those were 5 too many precious lives lost to a deadly disease. So Eating disorders -- such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder, and EDNOS (Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified) -- include extreme emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Eating disorders are serious emotional and physical problems that can have life-threatening consequences for females and males.

ANOREXIA NERVOSA is characterized by self-starvation and excessive weight loss.
Symptoms include:
• Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for height, body
type, age, and activity level
• Intense fear of weight gain or being “fat”
• Feeling “fat” or overweight despite dramatic weight loss
• Loss of menstrual periods
• Extreme concern with body weight and shape
BULIMIA NERVOSA is characterized by a secretive cycle of binge eating followed by purging.
Bulimia includes eating large amounts of food--more than most people would eat in one meal--in short
periods of time, then getting rid of the food and calories through vomiting, laxative abuse, or overexercising.
Symptoms include:
• Repeated episodes of bingeing and purging
• Feeling out of control during a binge and eating beyond the point of comfortable fullness
• Purging after a binge, (typically by self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diet pills
and/or diuretics, excessive exercise, or fasting)
• Frequent dieting
• Extreme concern with body weight and shape
characterized primarily by periods of uncontrolled, impulsive, or continuous eating beyond the point of
feeling comfortably full. While there is no purging, there may be sporadic fasts or repetitive diets and
often feelings of shame or self-hatred after a binge. People who overeat compulsively may struggle with
anxiety, depression, and loneliness, which can contribute to their unhealthy episodes of binge eating.
Body weight may vary from normal to mild, moderate, or severe obesity.
EDNOS- can include some combination of the signs and symptoms
of anorexia, bulimia, and/or binge eating disorder. While these behaviors may not be clinically
considered a full syndrome eating disorder, they can still be physically dangerous and emotionally
draining. All eating disorders require professional help.  Some of the heath consequences of eating disorders are:

Health Consequences of Anorexia Nervosa: In anorexia nervosa’s cycle of self-starvation,
the body is denied the essential nutrients it needs to function normally. Thus, the body is forced to
slow down all of its processes to conserve energy, resulting in serious medical consequences:
• Abnormally slow heart rate and low blood pressure, which mean that the heart muscle is
changing. The risk for heart failure rises as the heart rate and blood pressure levels sink
lower and lower.
• Reduction of bone density (osteoporosis), which results in dry, brittle bones.
• Muscle loss and weakness.
• Severe dehydration, which can result in kidney failure.
• Fainting, fatigue, and overall weakness.
• Dry hair and skin; hair loss is common.
• Growth of a downy layer of hair called lanugo all over the body, including the face, in an
effort to keep the body warm.

Health Consequences of Bulimia Nervosa: The recurrent binge-and-purge cycles of
bulimia can affect the entire digestive system and can lead to electrolyte and chemical imbalances
in the body that affect the heart and other major organ functions. Some of the health consequences
of bulimia nervosa include:
– Electrolyte imbalances that can lead to irregular heartbeats and possibly heart failure and
death. Electrolyte imbalance is caused by dehydration and loss of potassium, sodium and
chloride from the body as a result of purging behaviors.
– Potential for gastric rupture during periods of bingeing.
– Inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting.
– Tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released during frequent vomiting.
– Chronic irregular bowel movements and constipation as a result of laxative abuse.
– Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis.

Health Consequences of Binge Eating Disorder: Binge eating disorder often results in
many of the same health risks associated with clinical obesity. Some of the potential health
consequences of binge eating disorder include:
– High blood pressure.
– High cholesterol levels.
– Heart disease as a result of elevated triglyceride levels.
– Type II diabetes mellitus.
– Gallbladder disease.

These are from the-National Eating Disorder Association

Personally, I have struggled with an eating disorder but it doesn't matter which one because the symptoms might be different but the outcome is still the same. It also can lead to triggering information for those in recovery that I am not going to post on here. I can however say, that I have been in and out of treatment all through high school including inpatient, residential, PHP, and every level of care out there. I have also been to 4 places for treatment because this disease is so hard to fight and it is one that at first I didn't completely have the energy to fight.  I can also say I have been out of Center for Change where I last was at for inpatient and day (PHP) treatment for 15 months and I have been free of ED behaviors since my discharge (and during because you can't get away with crap at CFC). That doesn't mean I still don't have my struggles but now I am getting to what are the root causes because after all the real problems are not the food. This disease for me was cause by several factors but one that I want to focus on tonight that was once unhealthy for me is now healthy and that is cheerleading/dancing. Cheerleading was one of the factors that contributed to my ED. Now I also do take responsibility for my actions but I also started cheering when I was nine years old so my responsibility level and awareness at that age and up til about 15 was not as strong. However, I acknowledge my choices and actions.  

Anyways, cheerleading is a sport that often puts a lot of emphasis on beauty and weight. Even at a young age we were told what to eat and not eat. What we should be weighing and that we needed to exercise everyday. Now I encourage healthy eating and exercise especially in children but I believe in intuitive eating and loving guidance from parents, not from cheer coaches. Well the thing is I kept cheering all throughout my childhood which was good in some ways, I made some friends and was active in school but also it was bad for my mental health. Did my parents know...well not really especially at first. I was just a "picky" eater. Well, eventually I had a mental breakdown and was physically unstable and needed help. My parents noticed too and got it for me and then evnetually I began to get better and healthier. Then that went downhill again after treatment. This happened a lot until Center for Change. Am I saying it won't happen again...most likely least not for ED as for some of my other diagnoses I cannnot say but I am who I am. Taking one day at a time is all that I can do. 

About a month and a half ago I joined an adult community of cheerleaders forming here in Salt Lake. It is a all-volunteer adult cheer-for charity squad whose mission is to raise money for people living with HIV/AIDS, breast cancer and other life threatening conditions through the sport of cheerleading. As a proud member of the  PCA (Pride Cheerleading Association), we are composed of adults of all ages, body types, races, religions, genders, and sexual orientations. Cheer Salt Lake values the beautiful diversity our community offers and believes that together we will work hard to provide the most exhilarating crowd-pleasing performances so that we may help those in need. Each team of the Pride Cheerleading Association are hard working fundraisers for what we call ‘Cheer for Life.’ As a fundraising group who cheers, we seek to enhance the quality of life for those living with HIV/AIDS and other life threatening conditions by not only raising money for local charities, but by raising the spirits and hopes of the community and inspiring people to always strive for their personal best. Furthermore, we celebrate the beauty and diversity of all the members of our community. Eating disorders are also diseases that are life-threatening and are also so often connected to the sport of cheerleading. A study recently conducted of Division I and II college cheerleaders (both male and females) said that there were 33.1 percent had some risk of eating disorder characteristics and/or behaviors. Cheerleaders on teams with midriff uniforms were most disposed to body-image issues. Ok well midriff uniforms are being used in cheerleaders and dancers as young as 5 these days!!!! Also a lot of cheerleaders go on diets...diets don't work. Promise. If you want to learn more about your hunger/fullness and others get this book called Intuitive Eating  by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA.  It is the CFC Bible basically and an AMAZING book I think everyone should read honestly.

This time I am doing cheer with a whole new body basically. I am now nourished and my weight has definitely changed (FOR THE BETTER!!) and I am healthy. My mind is in a better place most practices and days and it allows my body to function and to do the things it needs to do. Has it presented challenges? Yes! I am having to re-learn previous skills that came quite easy for me especially my tumbling. I am also having to re-learn how to fly again being used to my body and aware of it and also how to base correctly again and building up muscle in the right areas. But this aspect that was once so unhealthy for me is now probably one of my best coping skills in recovery.

"There is no cure... (but)... there is a solution. That solution is recovery."-Jenni Schaefer

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


These past 2 weeks or so have been insane to say the least...emotionally, physically, mentally with school and anyway you can name it. There has been one thing though that has kept me going and it has been being able to breathe and use my voice to get my needs met! For the longest time those are two things that I could never do and for many reasons it was best not to (the reasons why don't matter and are personal). But what didn't kill me made me stronger. I have been trying to balance being alone vs. isolation and stepping out of my bubble and still not pushing myself too much to where I will break. It is a very hard balancing act and tiring. It is hard when you add school, work, cheer and family/relationship. However, the thing is it doesn't matter if it is hard because it is worth it to fight and even if I fall I will be able to stand back up because I have done this before. I have done really really well and haven't engaged in any ED behaviors in over a year now and I was beginning to feel myself slipping and I reach out for help. I thought to myself, WHOA this is bad....wait no it isn't. It is ok to have the thoughts and whatnot as long as I reach out for help I am ok. So this song has been amazing for me lately and been keeping me going. I don't encourage isolation as being alone is different...and Communication with friends, family, partners and using and asking for support is key in recovery but alone time for me is the KEY too.

"What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)"-Kelly Clarkson 
You know the bed feels warmer 
Sleeping here alone 
You know I dream in colour 
And do the things I want 

You think you got the best of me 
Think you had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone 
Think you left me broken down 
Think that I'd come running back 
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong 

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller
 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 
Footsteps even lighter 
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone 

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 
Just me, myself and I 
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller 
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 

You heard that I was starting over with someone new 
They told you I was moving on, over you 

 You didn't think that I'd come back 
I'd come back swinging
 You try to break me, but you see

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
 Stand a little taller
 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 
Footsteps even lighter
 Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

 What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 
Just me, myself and I 
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller
 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

 Thanks to you I got a new thing started 
Thanks to you I'm not the broken-hearted 
Thanks to you I'm finally thinking about me
 You know in the end the day you left was just my beginning
 In the end... 

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller 
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone 
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter 
Footsteps even lighter 
Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger 
Just me, myself and I 
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 
Stand a little taller
 Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone

Monday, January 9, 2012


A new year and a new perspective. I don't know why but for me I seem to see life differently, in a more calm and open way. I don't feel controlling but I don't feel completely trusting (but there is some..HUGE). It isn't dissociating at all but it is nice. Nice to feel peace and calm not only with myself but with others because there has been no peace in my life has been chaotic. There has been medical stuff I've had to deal with, family a little bit but nothing compared to the past, school started again which was way stressful, holidays came and went, and many more little things. The thing is I've been better at not letting the little things get to me as much at least. Reaching out for support has been a key reason. I have a few friends that I couldn't live without, nor Kelsey or my mom who have been AMAZING. My relationship with my parents have changed so much during my recovery process and especially since I moved out of the house and started college (ironic or not who knows). My relationship with my brother has gotten better which means so much to me especially because of my connection to now TWO nephews I adore and love.

So what do I want this new year to bring? Well I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions. I believe that life is a journey and I set goals that I can reach every day and usually they aren't goals I wish to attain in months but smaller ones or steps to larger ones. So this year I want to continue to stay behavior free and if I slip up to  be honest with 24 hours with someone (probably Kelsey). I want to stay out of treatment and hopefully no UNI due to stupid med changes but that isn't under my complete control but I can reach out for I guess reach out for support when I need it is a goal and also to continue to learn how to trust others and be vulnerable. Finally I want to have fun and be me.  I can do it.

Recovery gives so much and Ed took away my life and I can say I have my life back but still have a ways to go. I will always have more to learn and grow. I am so thankful for my time I had at CFC, the many retreats in Nashville where I met amazing people that have changed my life for ever, my parents, family and last but never the least Kelsey. I know to treat each day as if it was my last because I know how fragile life is and how much there is to appreciate in life. I try to take each breath and love it no matter what is happening around me I know that I have the choice on what I want to do with my life. Ed doesn't control me anymore. I am free to be me and that is something I could never imagine. When he does pop up, occasionally, I can say, "To leave me be as you have no healthy purpose in my life." 

As I continue in school I am more amd more excited to become a psychologist one day and give back. My dreams are coming a reality. Only through recovery is it possible. It is the greatest feeling ever. Try with all your heart and you will get there in time. It is worth the wait.