Saturday, July 17, 2010

SLC Eating Disorder Examiner

A few days ago I was having a really hard time and was overwhelmed by my stress and everything that has been going on in my life, mostly out of my control too. nonetheless Ed tried to butt in but I took a few breaths and was not going to give in. I said, "No I want my freedom still and I make my own choices." He backed off quickly. I am still surprised by how much and how long I have kept this complete freedom. For sure gonna keep going forward to and my choices lately have even encouraged and helped with that. But that day I found out that I was chosen as the Salt Lake City Eating Disorder Examiner for, which is an online news center which is up and coming. I got my dream job and get to share my wisdom, passion, knowledge, and promote activism here in my own home, state, city, and even further perhaps. I am so excited. It is a dream come true. It will help me too in my recovery. I'm going strong. Love you all. My articles will be here subscribe to it too please and thanks.


Jenn Lynne said...

my favorite part of this website is waking up in the morning and seeing that i've made like $.50. haha. i laugh at myself, knowing that its so not for the money (thank god cause i'd be in trouble.haha)

Devyn said...

haha yah. mine doesn't say anything yet is that weird?